Summer Slam 2018 Heat 2

Southwark Hotel

77 Port Road, Thebarton, South Australia 5031
Saturday 20th January

$6 entry
7.30pm sign up for 8.00 start

It’s back. The have-a-go, all about the fun ‘off-season’ Spoken Word SA poetry slam. And with a professional wrestling inspired name what else would you expect? It’s all about newbies and the oldies with new material. Heat 2 is at a great, country town style, family run pub a free tram trip out of the city.

Three heats and a final. Each heat will see three people go through to the final and to round out the ten finalists there will be a ‘Spoken Word SA wildcard’ who also gets through.

Under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult.

The exact same rules as the national finals. This means nothing to be performed that was used in the 2017 Australian Poetry Slam or before. But it is a great chance to craft some material for next years competition.

Click here for maps and info.

Facebook event here.

The event pic is thanks to our friends at ACWAdelaide Championship Wrestling.