Thursday 1 September 2022
Sign up from 6:30pm for 7:00pm start
Jive Nightclub
181 Hindley Street West, Adelaide, SA 5000
Tickets for audience and performers: $10 at TryBooking
Click here to book.
The 2022 Australian Poetry Slam is upon us!
We’re ready to be rocked by the talent of our South Australian competitors. If you have what it takes to wow the crowd and the judges, we want to see you on that stage. There will be five SA heats, each sending a winner and runner-up to the State Final. From there, the two highest-scoring poets will be sent to the National Final.
For anyone who wants to watch slam poetry at its finest and most entertaining, this is the event for you. Not everyone wants to compete – and we need audience members too! Cheer on the poets and enjoy the show… You might even get to be a judge.
The cost for both audience and performers is $10. Sign-up for competitors is on the night when the doors open at 6.30PM. There’s a limit of 20 poets per heat so make sure to get there on time.
You can’t sign up to compete in advance, but you are encouraged to pre-book your tickets to attend.
Make sure you know the rules! Click here to read them…
Our feature guest artist for HEAT THREE is Chris Jaksa.
Chris Jaksa is a poet, performer, and self-appointed ambassador of the half-open button-down shirt (which also happens to be the easiest way to identify him in the wild). He considers his poetry a form of storytelling — vulnerable, introspective, and emotionally driven; exploring themes of humanness through extended metaphor and natural imagery. Chris first stumbled onto the stage two years ago at a heat for the 2020 Australian Poetry Slam, which took him all the way to the national finals, and he has since been tremendously humbled to continue to be given the space to share himself through his work. When he’s not writing or performing, he can usually be found quoting Mary Oliver, getting lost on hiking trails, or forcing his friends to play card games with him.
Click here for the Facebook event.
Click here for a summary of all the heats and the State Final dates and locations