Southwark Hotel
77 Port Road, Thebarton
Saturday, 15th July, 2017, from 7:00 pm, $5
OK, folks, here’s something a bit different, so check out the rules…
This is all new to us so we’ll see how it all goes but these are the rules we will be going with. Like all rules you can try and bend things or get ‘all clever’ to try and find interesting ways to present things we may not have thought of. But just be aware Spoken Word SA people will be on the spot to make binding calls on what qualifies. That being said, this one is brand new and experimental, so experiment…
Everything not mentioned here is as for the national Australian Poetry Slam rules. So it’s pretty much ‘standard rules’ with the exception of this complete reversal:
You MUST use a prop or COSTUME which must be RELATED TO YOUR POEM.
Now to help clarify what all this means:
- You may have a pre-existing poem where you simply add a suitable prop or costume or even better you construct a piece based around having access to props.
- That prop may not be another person (and just for the sake of venue rules no animals either). One person on stage only.
- Whether or not the prop is related to the poem will be decided by Spoken Word SA and not the judges. An actual disqualification would be very unlikely but points may be deducted.
- It is a VISUAL prop. It may be used to make noise either deliberately or inadvertently as with a regular slam. However no specific music or sound making based props. No musical instruments, CD players, computers or phones playing sounds – not even two spoons being tapped together
AND one more thing to help make it all a bit of fun:
- One judge will not be random from the audience. Four random general public and one prechosen ‘Red Symons’. Basically a judge whose job it is to be a bastard of a ‘hanging judge’ just as ol’ Red was back in the ‘Red Faces’ days on Hey, Hey It’s Saturday… (old folks remember this…)
Good luck and may the gong not strike!