Summer Slam 2018: Final!

Saturday, 3rd February, 2018. 

Jive, 181 Hindley St, Adelaide.

Doors open 7:00pm, $10 entry.

The 2018 Summer Slam FINAL is here. After three heats we are left with ten finalists ready to battle it out for slam gold at the have-a-go, all about the fun ‘off-season’ Spoken Word SA poetry slam. And with a professional wrestling inspired name what else would you expect?

With a guest spot from ANDREW DRAKE; the 2017 S.A. state winner of the Australian Poetry Slam which saw him go on to perform at the nationals in the Sydney Opera House. Andrew has also been a state finalist on three previous occasions and has recently been published by Ginninderra Press.

The night will open with some tunes from EUGENE PHOA; a singer-songwriter from Adelaide, Australia. Disillusioned with a career in advertising, he left to embark on a year-long journey of self-discovery that brought him through India and Thailand and back to music. Raw, punchy and powerful, his original music fuses soul-igniting anthems and heartfelt ballads with soaring vocals and lyrical shots of truth.

The exact same rules apply as in the national finals. This means nothing to be performed that was used in the 2017 Australian Poetry Slam or before. But it is a great chance to craft some material for next years competition.

Check out the poster for details, or click here or here for the Facebook event.