Saturday 31 August 2024
Doors open for sign-up at 6:30pm.
Slam starts at 7:00pm
Campbelltown Library
171 Montacute Rd, Newton SA 5074
$10 to compete or join the audience.
Click here to book at trybooking.
This is the final SA heat for the 2024 Australian Poetry Slam, you last chance to compete for a spot in the SA State Final for an opportunity to perform in the National Final at the Sydney Opera House with a prize worth $20,000, including publication and gigs from Byron to Bali and beyond…!!
Australian Poetry Slam 2024 (APS ’24) invites you to cheer, snap, hold-up scorecards in this nation-wide celebration of spoken-wordsmiths. APS ’24 is about unleashing your thoughts; launching mini-revolutions, like a chorus of kingfishers on a mission. Writers let fly. Alight upon the mic for two minutes. Shout, call out, even softly warble your fresh lit. Crowds will flock with cheers and hoots. Judges, chosen from the audience, will send two poetic messengers from each heat on to the South Australia State Final! Two State Finalists will then head off to the National Final at Sydney Opera House on 13th October 2024.
Poets must perform in their state or territory of usual residence. You must perform original new work. You will have 2 minutes to perform a single poem with no props or musical accompaniment. Read the full APS ‘24 rules here: www.australianpoetryslam.com/rules.
Click here to read the rules as applied to the SA Heats and Final.
Our guest performer for Heat 5 is Matthew Pankhurst!

“Back in the days of CD’s and Vinyl the pinnacle of success was the best of album. Think Queen or Bowie, titans of the industry who produced best of albums from a huge back log of work that included hit after hit after hit.
Now think Spice Girls or Vanilla Ice who at the height of their careers and with only two or three albums to speak of have put out greatest hits montages of their star-studded careers. Gifts for fans who can’t get enough and jokes for the cynical among us who were never going to buy it.
Well, as a poet who has no publications and an invisible, not to mention silent fan base, I have decided to do a best of performance poems. Chosen not by fans, or by producers, but me. All in the aid of making me feel better and because of the contractual obligations I have been forced into by Spoken Word SA and their tyrannical dictator.
So come and watch me, M.T. Pankhurst, “get on the mic, like a box full of air.” And rock out to my best and classiest performances, from the last three years of competitive poetry.
For one night only, don’t miss out!”