SA Poetry Slam – Heat 4 – Woodcroft Library

Contestants have 2 minutes to speak, scream, howl, whisper or sing their original poem. There are no props, no costumes, no music: just the poet and the words. Judges are selected at random from the audience. The heat winners compete again in the SA State Final and the two top finalists then go on to compete in the Australian Poetry Slam National Showcase.

Woodcroft Library
175 Bains Road, Morphett Vale

Friday, 10 September, 2021
Sign-up from 6:30 pm for a 7:00 pm start.

$7 to compete or watch.
Click here to book at

Click here for the Facebook event.

Click here for the full schedule and rules.

Guest Performer: Emelia Haskey

Emelia Haskey has been performing slam poetry since 2017, with a focus on memoir based poetry. She was the 2019 South Australian State Poetry Slam Champion, going on to perform at the Sydney Opera House that same year. She was also a finalist in the 2017, 2018 and 2019 Goolwa Poetry Cup. In 2021 she was chosen as the Poet in Residence at the Adelaide City Library, and hosted a series of workshops on the power of poetry through a pandemic. She is currently working on her first anthology, The Body On Trial.