Sarah Pearce: April Poet-in-Residence at the Adelaide City Library


Sarah Pearce is our special April 2018 Adelaide City Library Poet-in-Residence with her residency, Women Write Together.

This project is about women writing together, collaborating, borrowing, even stealing… Ever heard it and wished you’d written it? Ever deeply connected your own experiences to those described by a poet, a poem or a single line? Let’s do it! Let’s be inspired by Tempest, Bird, Plath, Smith, Dickinson and Sappho. Let’s borrow, build and converse, to create poems together, woven from multiple voices. Performance will also be collaborative, as we speak each others words.

In seeking to liberate and promote women’s voices, particularly the collaboration of those voices, these workshops are open to anybody who identifies as a woman or girl. I aim to create a safe space, wherein women are free to express themselves, to borrow from each other and to collaborate artistically. The focus of these workshops will be on women’s experience, both shared and individual, and women’s voices, from the past to the present.

Dates and times for workshops:

Friday 6 April                        6pm – 8pm 

Thursday 12 April                 3pm – 5pm 

Saturday 14 April                  1pm – 3pm  

Thursday 19 April                 10am – 12 midday  

Tuesday 24th April               4pm – 6pm 

Friday 27 April                       6pm – 7pm  (performance)

All at the Adelaide City Library, Rundle Place, Rundle Mall, Adelaide.

Click here for the Adelaide City Library Events Calendar.